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Xianfu Wang, Xiaoqing Ou, Tao Zhang, Jiawei Chen, An alternate minimization method beyond positive definite proximal regularization: convergence and complexity

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DOI: 10.23952/jnva.3.2019.3.08
Volume 3, Issue 3, 1 December 2019, Pages 333-355


Abstract. In this paper, an alternate minimization method beyond positive definite proximal regularization is introduced for solving linearly constrained separable convex optimization problems. The proposed method can be interpreted as the prediction-correction method from the perspective of variational inequalities. The convergence of the proposed method is established without strong convexity. Finally, the iteration complexity of the proposed method is also derived in the ergodic sense.


How to Cite this Article:
Xianfu Wang, Xiaoqing Ou, Tao Zhang, Jiawei Chen, An alternate minimization method beyond positive definite proximal regularization: convergence and complexity, J. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 3 (2019), 333-355.