Siegfried Carl, Noncoercive elliptic bilateral variational inequalities in the homogeneous Sobolev space $D^{1,p}(R^N)$
Xiaopeng Zhao, Huijie Zhang, Yonghong Yao, An inexact nonmonotone projected gradient method for constrained multiobjective optimization
Marius Durea, Elena-Andreea Florea, Subdifferential calculus and ideal solutions for set optimization problems
Daniel Dörfler, Andreas Löhne, A polyhedral approximation algorithm for recession cones of spectrahedral shadows
Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz, Cornel Pintea, Closed convex sets that are both Motzkin decomposable and generalized Minkowski sets
Jinxia Cen, Stanisław Migórski, Calogero Vetro, Shengda Zeng, Stability analysis for a contaminant convection-reaction-diffusion model of recovered fracturing fluid
Christian Günther, Bahareh Khazayel, Christiane Tammer, Nonlinear strict cone separation theorems in real normed spaces
Yushan Bai, Jiawei Chen, Liping Tang, Tao Zhang, Convergence of a new nonmonotone memory gradient method for unconstrained multiobjective optimization via robust approach
Li Cheng, Akhtar Khan, Jinlu Li, Christiane Tammer, Normalized duality mappings and projections in Bochner spaces